12:53 - Riot begins as Ryan Samsel and James Grant push aside barricades to approach the police guarding the NW path from the Peace Circle to the Capitol (Trump is still speaking at this point) (🎥1)
12:59 - As the better equipped Civil Disturbance Unit (CDU) reinforcements begin arriving, the Capitol Police are able to stabilize a line across the plaza between the two massive staircases on the West side of the Capitol (🎥2)
13:11 - First detachment of Metropolitan Police arrive to reinforce the Capitol Police line (seen in the background descending the SW staircase) (🎥3)
13:20 - Police begin deploying flash bangs into the crowd, startling even the police on the front lines (🎥4)
13:34 - The continued use of flashbangs in this area over the next hour doesn't appear to have much of an effect in dispersing the crowd, but they do appear to have amped up the crowd by setting people on fire etc. (🎥5)
13:48 - The West Plaza police line begins to be outflanked up the NW staircase after an officer starts a fight with an apparently peaceful protester (🎥6)
14:02 - The same Capitol Police officer severely injures a protester by pushing him off the middle landing of the NW staircase, ~2-3 story drop. The man has now identified himself as Derrick Vargo. (🎥7)
14:09 - Shortly after Vargo is carried off on an improvised stretcher, the police retreat to the top of the NW staircase as people throw objects from the ground below (🎥8)
14:10 - The retreating police only remain at the top of the staircase for a brief minute before scattering, allowing rioters to access multiple unguarded doors, including the Senate Wing Door (🎥9)
14:12 - A handful of officers arrive just as the first rioter climbs through a busted out window by the Senate Wing Door, but they quickly flee and the rioters are able to kick open the door unmolested (🎥10)
14:24 - People who entered through this first breach include George Tenney, and the others who helped open the East Rotunda/Columbus Doors from the inside (🎥11)